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Kalak'a'hui is a burning infernal place. There are a few crucial tips you need to know about its atmosphere


Every 188 seconds to 453 seconds, Kalak'a'hui will smother the land with firestorm that burns all non-native inhabitants, intensifying by each 2 seconds then slowly abates. It will be a threat to new non-natives but gradually it will be an annoyance.

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The land of Kalak'a'hui has fires everywhere and the surface is largely covered in lava cracks. Do not attempt to step on these if you are too weak - it is fatal!


You mainly control single character - Elinar, War Maiden of Inix. Your experience increases over time gradually but increases the fastest when killing. Killing can add your gold count and soul count as well as a chance to increase your satisfaction points. Likewise, being hurt can lower your satisfaction points

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