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Kalak'a'hui is an epic world where you may get lost. This serves as a guide to help you complete your journey and exodus.

Ninja Woman
Jahan Pass.png


You begin your journey here. You face with a large sealed door. All you have to do is to meet a guardian in a hut nearby (notice the greenery around the hut).


To open the Gate of Makh'utha, you have to get a herb called Ubhat. Find it only you have spoken to Noir, the guardian. He will be enraged for your act and kill him before he does that to you. Collect the empty bowl he dropped. Fill the bowl at the well and use the water to douse the flame of the two statues. The gate should open soon.


You will face with a Gatekeeper Nan'dinh. You have only two choices: fight or flee. Nan'dinh is capable of revival and the orbs at both sides of the corridor destroy mana upon attack quickly. You must not have too much mana to reduce the orb damage. They are meant to be spell-breakers.


Secret: Interact with the Colossus statue and see what happens!


After you have managed through the portal, you will arrive at a desolate place - Jahan Pass. It is a long journey. Find Jurahn before the great entrance. Talk to him and discover an alchemist in his house. This alchemist can forge any items placed in his inventory without cost, however be wise.


Secret: Unlock a hidden interaction with Jurahn!


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